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My Music (Nickleus)


eclipse jboss launch configuration delete jboss tmp folders (data, log, work, tmp)

there doesn't seem to be any way to do this in eclipse's launch configuration for jboss, so i do this in my ant build.xml script instead:
<target name="jbossCleanup" description="remove jboss tmp folders">
    <property name="jbossServerDir" value="${jboss.server.dir}/${jboss.domain}"/>
    <delete dir="${jbossServerDir}/log" quiet="true"/>
    <delete dir="${jbossServerDir}/tmp" quiet="true"/>
    <delete dir="${jbossServerDir}/work" quiet="true"/>
    <delete dir="${jbossServerDir}/data" quiet="true"/>

then i include this target name as the first depends target in the main build target:
<target name="noCheckoutNoCompile" depends="jbossCleanup,clean,...

keep it simple stupid!

"just put some vinegar on it. why didn't you think of that?"
--dr. steve brule

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